
When we were small, my brother and I had a big jar where we'd put all the change we'd find or we'd receive. When the jar was full, we talked about what we should do with its content and decided to make a little magazine. So we wrote stories, drew some pictures, made some games up...then we went to make photocopies with our change and we sold our rag to our school friends...and we continued to put coins in the jar.
When I was around 15, the jar resurfaced and I decided to buy cardboard and ink pens which I used to make bookmarks that were then sold in boutiques... And I put the money aside in a drawer to buy canvas and paint... And so on. Every time I was given a few bucks for my creations, I'd keep them preciously with the rest of my stash till the next project.

Very little has changed...
In some ways, I still have a money jar.
I hope there will always be enough in it to go on.
