...money, oh brother! money...
many, money, monkey,
bread, dough... but also currency, medium of exchange...
capital, companies,
profit, economeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
power power
choice? desire?
ways of creating and meeting the need
impose and relieve
exclusive and popular

why does this great paradox intrinsic to humanity,
have to take the form of a piece of paper
of uncontrollable value?

with her army, the mint empress can be proud of being the only invader to conquer the whole planet; the only ruler to thoroughly impose her laws; the religion that gathers the most believers. despite which, she foots the bill for public services and social progress. both mother and prostitute, she is the child of capitalism; or is she its ancestor?...the egg or the hen?

money is not the danger,
fascism is.
in its brand-padded language,
money extols pleasure.
fascism believes it can tame money, and will live to regret it.
at least, that's what we wish for.
the other side of the coin is money as the sponsor of horror,
catching site of the little enterprising soldiers in the distance,
jumping from one side of the border to the other,
they have not yet chosen their camp,
while money regards them as confidants.

^ français >