According to this logic, the incidents we have known were inevitable and even late in coming for some... Rather than looking for someone to put the blame on, we have to try to return to the source of the frustration of regions that father terrorists, last resort in the perspective of liberation. In order to reach a happy ending, we have to understand how we can help them to regain access to the "essential waters". We have to ask ourselves which freedom we our defending, the freedom of a minority to continue to dominate a majority in order to preserve its comfort, or the freedom to live in acceptable conditions, which is everyone's right of birth.

This powerful act, and forever engraved in our collective conscience, will provoke all kinds of disruptions, not only on the military, financial and economic planes but also on a personal level, spiritual and emotional mini-revolutions that will change us.
Some humans will wake up to the fact that humanity is indivisible and will make use of their good will, their understanding and their humility to face this crisis. The world could be transfigured. Each human finally showing his true face, things that were known but hidden because of helplessness will become evidences that must be dismantled. The world will shed its old skin to reveal a new splendour.


*from a reading in Yi king : Principes, pratique et interprétation
by Jean-Philippe Schlumberger